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CO2 footprint reduction and efficiency increase using the dynamic rate in overhead power lines connected to wind farms

Abstract: Since the first wind farms began operating in the early 1980s, several important factors have changed in the overall picture of energy politics worldwide. The total renewable wind energy capacity of Spain currently accounts for more than 20% of the total installed capacity, which makes integration into the grid challenging for wind farm owners as well as electricity transportation and distribution companies. The smart-grid concept, which focuses on real-time monitoring and dynamic rating operation of power lines, is an important component in the solution to these new challenges. This paper explains how a more efficient operation of energy-generating activities via dynamic rating of the electric grid due to a better knowledge of the main parameters contributes to more clean, renewable energy and decreases the CO2 footprint. The dynamic rating operation of a Spanish overhead power line is analysed, and different scenarios are studied. The dynamic rate achieved in 2015 has saved more than 1100 tonnes of CO2 and has generated over 240,000€ of extra income. This dynamic rating operation also increased the actual annual energy generated from 231.5GWh to 834.7GWh with only a 2% greater loss along the line due to Joule and magnetic effects.

 Autoría: Arroyo A., Castro P., Manana M., Domingo R., Laso A.,

 Fuente: Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 130, 1156-1162

 Editorial: Elsevier Ltd

 Fecha de publicación: 05/02/2018

 Nº de páginas: 24

 Tipo de publicación: Artículo de Revista

 DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2017.11.095

 ISSN: 1359-4311,1873-5606

 Proyecto español: IPT-2011-1447-920000 ; ENE-2013-42720-R ; RTC-2015-3795-3

 Url de la publicación: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2017.11.095