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Chilean sport sciences scientific production indexed in the Web of Science (1981-2016)

Abstract: Aim: To carry out a bibliometric analysis of the Chilean Sport Sciences scientific production indexed in the Web of Science until 2016. Methods: Chilean Sport Sciences articles and reviews included in the Web of Science Core Collection indexes until 2016 were analyzed. Data was collected and filtered in Endnote X6 programme and then exported to Excel 2013, Bibexcel and Histcite for analysis. Bibliometrics was focused on productivity, subjects and collaboration patterns. Results: A total of 152 documents published from1981 to 2016 were found. Life Sciences was the main research area (104), while Physiology (36) and Sports Training Theory (30) were the most represented subjects. The mean of authors per article was 5.26 and the percentage of collaboration was mainly between 94% and 100%. Ramirez-Campillo was the most prolific author (24) and Caniuqueo achieved the highest collaboration index (10.83). Two networks, with 20 and 10 scholars respectively and representing 19 different institutions, were discovered. A cluster of 53 different journals has disseminated Chilean Sport Sciences publications, but 12 of them collected 60.53% of total production. Conclusion: Chilean Sport Sciences scientific production indexed in the Web of Science shows the progressive development and strengthening of this field of knowledge, clearly oriented to Life Sciences, teamwork and international collaboration. The establishment of a network including scholars from Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile and Spain, which is propelling Sport Sciences research in this country, should be also highlighted.

 Autoría: Pérez-Gutiérrez, M., Cobo-Corrales, C., Izquierdo-Macón, E.

 Fuente: Motriz, Rio Claro, v.24, n.1, 2018,

 Editorial: Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)

 Año de publicación: 2018

 Nº de páginas: 9

 Tipo de publicación: Artículo de Revista

 DOI: 10.1590/s1980-6574201800010008

 ISSN: 1415-9805,1980-6574
