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Linear maps that preserve semi-Fredholm operators acting on Banach spaces

Abstract: We consider the linear maps ': B(X) ! B(Y ) that preserve the semi-Fredholm operators in both directions or the essential spectrum of an operator, where B(X) is the algebra of all bounded linear operators on an infinite-dimensional Banach space X. We describe some known results in the Hilbert space case, provide some basic results and examples in the general case, and state several open problems.

 Fuente: Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum, 2018, 84, 137-149

 Editorial: Bolyai Institute, University of Szeged (Hungría)

 Año de publicación: 2018

 Nº de páginas: 13

 Tipo de publicación: Artículo de Revista

 DOI: 10.14232/actasm-017-327-x

 ISSN: 0001-6969
