Abstract: Background: The present COVID-19 pandemic will negatively affect population public health. A huge economic and emotional impact can be expected because of this situation, contributing to mental health disorders or less healthy lifestyles, among others. The aim of this paper was to identify the relationship between "isolation" and suicides.
Methods: In this regard, we had made a systematic review of the most recent papers, published from January 2016 to April 2020, thought the most acknowledged databases. This issue is very important due to the indirect relationship between COVID-19 and suicides.
Results: Our analysis demonstrates that suicide and -social isolation and loneliness- have a positive and direct relationship although these findings varied slightly by region or areas. Moreover, the attention is focus on the youth during the most recent period and this is a real problem because economies cannot afford losing (young) population.
Conclusions: In order to prevent suicides, public policies should prevent suicidal thoughts that it could induce to terminate the lives of individuals in their most productive years and harmful outcomes to their families and friends.