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A Global Classification of Astronomical Tide Asymmetry and Periodicity Using Statistical and Cluster Analysis

Abstract: ABSTRACT: Tidal asymmetry plays a key role in the behavior of estuaries. Positive and negative asymmetries are associated with flood- and ebb-dominated estuaries, respectively. Asymmetry arises from both the interaction among the main tidal constituents and the harmonics generated when tide propagates in shallow waters. Most previous research focuses on the deformation of the tide within estuaries; however, ocean tide may show asymmetry at the estuary entrance, which implies that the boundary condition is already deformed. This fact has important implications for tide propagation, estuarine transport processes, and flow exchanges between estuaries and open oceans. In this study, the global astronomical tide is classified according to its asymmetry and periodicity. The objective is to provide a guiding framework of representative astronomical tide types (ATtypes) on a worldwide scale to be used as a reference for further research on the transport of substances in estuaries. The applied methodology is based on the use of the TPXO9-atlas global barotropic tidal solution and detailed statistical analysis. Probability density functions of the tidal elevation time derivative and the tidal form factor were extracted from TPXO9-atlas with a spatial resolution ranging from 1/6° to 1/30°. The K-means algorithm was applied to these parameters, and 25 representative ATtypes were identified. The classification was validated with 757 worldwide tide gauge records. The results show that 11.3% of coastal areas show negative asymmetries, 11.3% positive asymmetries, while symmetric tides dominate 77.4% of coastal areas. In these areas, estuaries can show asymmetries exclusively dependent on overtides and compound tides generated during inland propagation without being externally conditioned

 Autoría: Núñez P., Castanedo S., Medina R.,

 Fuente: Journal of Geophysical Research. Oceans Volume125, Issue8 August 2020 e2020JC016143

 Editorial: John Wiley & Sons

 Fecha de publicación: 01/08/2020

 Nº de páginas: 20

 Tipo de publicación: Artículo de Revista

 DOI: 10.1029/2020JC016143

 ISSN: 2169-9275,2169-9291,0148-0227

 Url de la publicación: https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2020JC016143