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Framework for applying a complex adaptive system approach to model the operation of eco-industrial parks

Abstract: Models of eco-industrial parks (EIPs) might help us transform our production systems by fostering the emergence of sustainable EIPs since such models have the potential to support the decision-making processes of cooperative companies that participate and to decrease operational uncertainties. In this article, a conceptual framework for modeling the operation of EIPs is presented. The framework is underpinned by complex adaptive systems theory, industrial ecology, and an analysis of the experiences of existing EIPs. The proposed framework draws on the observed strengths of two types of industrial symbiosis models-planned eco-industrial parks (PEIPs) and EIPs that developed through self-organizing symbiosis (SOS)-as well as their observed weaknesses and the features of complex adaptive systems. From this analysis, five key properties to be modeled are deduced: functionality, reliability, life span, theoretical knowledge, and adaptability. It is proposed that the properties of functionality and theoretical knowledge are determined by the goals of the EIP and its member companies, while the property of adaptability is determined by the understanding that the companies in an EIP have of the environment surrounding the EIP, while the properties of reliability and life span are determined by the internal and external relationships of the companies that make up an EIP.

 Autoría: Romero E., Ruiz M.,

 Fuente: Journal of Industrial Ecology, 2013, 17(5), 731-741

 Editorial: Wiley-Blackwell

 Fecha de publicación: 01/10/2013

 Nº de páginas: 11

 Tipo de publicación: Artículo de Revista

 DOI: 10.1111/jiec.12032

 ISSN: 1088-1980,1530-9290

 Url de la publicación: https://doi.org/10.1111/jiec.12032
