Proyectos Horizonte Europa concedidos       

Acrónimo Título proyecto ConvocatoriaInvestigador principal Grupo I+D  Enlaces web 
🟡 WATERSENS Development of innovative decentralized technologies and new co-created governance models for WATER SENSitive communitiesCircular economy and bioeconomy sectors 2024 Daniel Castro FresnoTecnología De La Construcción (GITECO) 
🟢WHALEBONE  The Early Exploitation of Cetacean in Western Europe during the Late Upper PalaeolithicMSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2021Alexandre Lefebvre Supervisora: Ana Belen Marin Arroyo Instituto Internacional de Investigaciones Prehistóricas de Cantabria 1. logo uc.png 
🟢D4RUNOFFData driven implementation of hybrid nature based solutions for preventing and managing diffuse pollution from urban water runoff  Clean Environment and zero pollution Daniel Castro Fresno  Tecnología de la Construcción (GITECO)  D4RUNOFF.png   1. logo uc.png  
🟢MARBEFESMARine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning leading to Ecosystem ServicesBiodiversity and ecosystem servicesJose Antonio Juanes de la Peña Instituto de Hidráulica Ambiental de Cantabria Marbefes.png 1. logo uc.png 
🟢SEDIMARKSEcure Decentralised Intelligent Data MARKetplaceWorld leading data and computing technologies 2021 Luis Sánchez González Ingeniería Telemática sedimark_logo_512x512.png 1. logo uc.png 
🟢LIAISON Lowering transport envIronmentAl Impact along the whole life cycle of the future tranSpOrt iNfrastructureSafe, Resilient Transport and Smart Mobility services for passengers and goods Daniel Castro Fresno Tecnología de la Construcción (GITECO) Liaison.png 1. logo uc.png 
🟢CIRCUITHolistic approach to foster CIRCUlar and resilient transport InfrasTructures and support the deployment of Green and innovation Public Procurement and innovative engineering practices Safe, Resilient Transport and Smart Mobility services for passengers and goods Daniel Castro Fresno Tecnología de la Construcción (GITECO) Circuit.png 1. logo uc.png 
🟢CAPTUSDemonstrating energy intensive industry-integrated solutions to produce liquid renewable energy carriers from CAPTUred carbon emissionSSustainable, secure and competitive energy supplyJose Angel Irabien Gulías Development of Chemical Processes and pollution control Captus.png  1. logo uc.png 
🟢NBRACER (Affiliated entity) Nature Based Solutions for Atlantic Regional Climate ResilienceResearch and Innovation Actions in support of the implementation of the Adaptation to Climate Change MissionJose Barquín Ortiz Instituto de Hidráulica Ambiental de Cantabria Nbracer 2.png  1. logo uc.png 
🟢GREENPATHS European Knowledge Hub On Just Transition PathwaysA sustainable future for Europe IIJudith Catherine Clifton Economía Aplicada Internacional y Política Económica 
🟢BIO4HUMANIdentifying bio-based solutions for waste management applicable to humanitarian sectorCircular economy and bioeconomy sectorsClara Casado Coterillo Development of Chemical Processes and pollution control

bio4human_primary_logo_green-2048x688.png1. logo uc.png 

🟢6G-SENSESSeamless integration of efficient 6G wireless technologies for communication and sensingMicroelectronics-based Solutions for 6G Networks Ramón Agüero Calvo / Luis Ignacio Santamaría Caballero  Ingeniería Telemática / Tratamiento Avanzado de Señal         2024-02-03-6G-SENSES_Logo-768x276.png1. logo uc.png1. logo uc.png  
🟢ARCHEArchaeological Coastal Heritage: Past, Present and future of a hidden prehistoric legacyMSCA Doctoral Networks 2022Pablo Arias Cabal Instituto Internacional de Investigaciones Prehistóricas de CantabriaArche.png  1. logo uc.png 
🟢NABIHEAL Antimicrobial nanostructured biomaterials for complex wound healingA digitised, resource-efficient and resilient industry 2022 Olga María Conde Portilla  Ingeniería FotónicaNabiheal.png 1. logo uc.png 
🟢G9-SCIENCE4ALL     The night of researchers for everyone MSCA and Citizens 2023Ana Magdalena de Juan de Luna Vicerrectorado de Investigación y Política CientíficaG9-SCIENCE4ALL para fondo blanco.png    1. logo uc.png    
🟢NANOGROWDIRECT Nanoparticles in Situ Surface Growth for Direct Fabrication of Functional Patterned NanomaterialsERC-2023-STG - ERC STARTING GRANTSLeonardo Scarabelli In situ nanochemistry group 1. logo uc.png 
🟢EasyDC-FOS Towards a wide-spread HVDC-based power system enabled by new highly efficient cable & fibre optic monitoring systemsHVAC, HVDC and High-Power cable systems 2024 Mario Mañana Canteli Grupo de Tecnologías Electro-Energéticas Avanzadas (GTEA) Esasy DC FOS.png 1. logo uc.png 
🟢SWIM (Affiliated entity)    Surface Water Information Managemet Designing space-based downstream applications with international partners Manuel del Jesús Peñil Instituto de Hidráulica Ambiental de Cantabria  1. logo uc.png 
🟢 RETROTRAFO Development of knowledge and technology to implement retrofilling in power transformers using biodegradable or recycled fluids and fostering circular economyMSCA Staff Exchanges 2023Alfredo Ortiz Fernández Grupo De Investigación En Transformadores Eléctricos De Potencia (GITEP) Retrotrafo.png 1. logo uc.png 
🟢SeaDream Sustainable Marine Energy and Ecosystem Resilience Advancement through Digital Technologies and Real-Time Crisis Management MSCA Staff Exchanges 2023María Emilia Maza Fernández Clima, Energía e Infraestructuras Marinas 1. logo uc.png 
🟢 MultiX Advancing 6G-RAN through multi-technology, multi-sensor fusion, multi-band and multi-static perceptionWireless Communication Technologies and Signal Processing – Standardisation and Follow-up/PoCs 2024 Ramón Agüero CalvoIngeniería Telemática - Laboratorio de Comunicaciones Móviles y Diseño de Redes1. logo uc.png 
🔴EnvINExt  Environmental contexts during the Iberian Neanderthal Extinction: Insight from the ecology of ungulate preys MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2021 Emilie Berlioz Supervisora: Ana Belen Marin Arroyo   Instituto Internacional de Investigaciones Prehistóricas de Cantabria 1. logo uc.png  
🔴G9MISSIONS  G9 GO FOR THE MISSIONS!  MSCA and Citizens 2022 Luigi Dell'Olio  Vicerrectorado de Investigación y Política Científica  G9MISSIONS para fondo blanco.png    1. logo uc.png 

🟢Proyecto en ejecución 
🟡Proyecto en formalización 
🔴Proyecto finalizado