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Strategies used by students with autism when solving multiplicative problems: an exploratory study

Abstract: Purpose: This paper aims to study the strategies used by ten students diagnosed with autism when solving multiplication and division problems because these operations are rarely studied in students with this condition Design/methodology/approach: This study conducted an exploratory study with ten students diagnosed with autism to explore and describe the strategies used in solving equal group problems. The authors also describe in detail the case of a student whom the authors deem to be representative because of the reasoning the student employed. Findings: The informal strategies that they used are described, as well as the difficulties observed in the various problems, depending on the operation required to solve them. The strategies used include direct modeling with counting and others that relied on incorrect additive relationships, with strategies based on multiplication and division operations being scarce. Difficulties were observed in several problems, with measurement division being particularly challenging for the study participants. Practical implications: The detailed description of the strategies used by the students revealed the meanings that they associate with the operations they are executing and brought to light potential difficulties, which can help teachers plan their instruction. Originality/value: This research supplements other studies focusing on mathematical problem-solving with autistic students.

 Fuente: Advances in Autism, 2022, (9)1, 65-81

 Publisher: Emerald Publishing Limited

 Year of publication: 2022

 No. of pages: 17

 Publication type: Article

 DOI: 10.1108/AIA-03-2021-0017

 ISSN: 2056-3868,2056-3876

 Spanish project: PID2019-105677RB-I00

 Publication Url:
