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Induced accident in the maritime sinister of Costa Concordia

Abstract: This study determined by the theory of the Maritime Accidents the causal factors that led to the catastrophe of the passenger's vessel Costa Concordia. In the study we've applied the key elements of such theory, as they are the pressure of production and/or the pressure of technological advances, acting on the individual risk homeostasis of the operator. After performing this analysis, we set up a discussion in which we have established that this case meets the foundations of the induced maritime accidents (strong core, protector ring, positive and negative heuristics) and the existence of the key elements as were the captain and the first mate. It was established conclusions that these foundations are combined and accumulated in such a way that caused the rupture of the margin of safety, leading to the inevitable. If he had managed to maintain a margin of safety permissible, the sinister passenger vessel Costa Concordia would have been avoided.

 Fuente: European transport, 2017, 64, paper 2

 Publisher: ISTIEE

 Publication date: 01/06/2017

 No. of pages: 10

 Publication type: Article

 ISSN: 1825-3997,2283-5520
