Inicio de sesión

Ingeniería de Software y Tiempo Real

The Software Engineering and Real-Time Group (Ingeniería Software y Tiempo Real, ISTR) at the University of Cantabria has kept a continuous research activity in the theory and application of software engineering to:

- Distributed embedded real-time systems: schedulability analysis, programming languages, operating systems, networks and communication middleware and high integrity systems

- Model-driven engineering

- Databases and business intelligence: big data, learning and social analytics

- Security in information systems

These achievements have been possible thanks to the participation of the group in projects funded by the European Union, the European Space Agency and the Spanish National Research Plan. In addition to the projects funded through public institutions the group also has a lot of experience in collaborative projects with industry, where the techniques and tools developed in more basic-research projects are applied to real-life systems. In order to transition the theory and methods developed to actual industrial usage, the group actively participates in the development of standards: Real-time POSIX operating systems, the UML-MARTE profile of OMG, and the standardization process of the Ada language.




Charla titulada: “Analítica de negocio : tomando decisiones dirigidas por los datos

Esta charla pretende introducir a la audiencia en las técnicas y tecnologías que se utilizan hoy en día en las grandes empresas y organizaciones para analizar su situación y tomar acciones que les permitan mejorar sus procesos de negocio y conseguir sus objetivos. Se mostrarán distintos casos de aplicación en contextos diversos para demostrar así la utilidad de estas técnicas en cualquier campo de trabajo.