Abstract: Purpose: These folders provide data from the study of Prieto et al 2021 Prieto, C., Kavetski, D., Le Vine, N., Álvarez, C., and Medina, R. (2021), Identification of dominant hydrological mechanisms using Bayesian inference, multiple statistical hypothesis testing and flexible models, Water Resources Research, doi: 10.1029/2020WR028338
1. Folder "synthetic_scenarios": a)folder"reliability_and_power__low_error_med_error_high_error". This folder contains txt files with the values of: (i) reliability.- (ii) power.- (iii) true positives.- (iv) false positives.- (v) false negatives for different significance levels, error levels and processes, and across all error levels. Processes are abbreviated as follows: a1 = unsaturated zone.- a2 = saturated zone.- esoil = evaporation.- interf = interflow.- perc = percolation.- rr = surface runoff.- rout = routing. e.g. file "alpha_r_p_tp_fp_fn_low_error_a1.txt" contains the following information for the lowest error, for the processes in the unsaturated zone. first column = significance level, alpha.- second column = reliability, r.- third column = power, p.- fourth column = number of true positives, tp (out of 50).- fifth column = number of false positives, fp (out of 50).- sixth column = number of false negatives, fn (out of 50). 2. Folder "obs": a) file "c8z1_data_obs.txt": dates and observed hydrological data for the Leizarán catchment.- b) file "leizaran_mecha_identification.xlsx": number of bootstraps where a mechanism is identified as dominant for the different time periods and significance levels
Repository: Zenodo
Year of publication: 2021
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4646986
Full citation: Prieto, C., Kavetski, D., Le Vine, N., Álvarez, C. & Medina, R. (2021). Data: Identification of dominant hydrological mechanisms using Bayesian inference, multiple statistical hypothesis testing and flexible models. [Dataset]. (Version 1). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4646986