Abstract: This dataset supports Oderiz et al. (2022) "Transitional Wave Climate Regions on Continental and Polar Coasts in a Warming World". Nature Climate Change.10.1038/s41558-022-01389-3
Description data: dataset is divided into 6 folders and 1 file: Wave Climate : folder-1) 1.data_WaveClimates_CMIP5_HIST:For each experiment and ENSEMBLE of historical conditions, this folder contains monthly wave power(Pw), monthlymean wave direction (Dirm), wave climte (WC), and centroids (normilized and not) of each wave climate (easterly, southerly, and easterly wave climates. Format: netcdf4.- folder-2) 2.data_WaveClimates_CMIP5_RCP2.6:For MRI-AGCM experiment of RCP2.6 scenario, this folder contains monthly wave power(Pw), monthly mean wave direction (Dirm), wave climte (WC), and centroids (normilized and not) of each wave climate (easterly, southerly, and easterly wave climates. Format: netcdf4.- folder-3)3.data_WaveClimates_CMIP5_RCP8.5: For each experiment and ENSEMBLE of RCP8.5 scenario, this folder contains monthly wave power(Pw), monthly mean wave direction (Dirm), wave climte (WC), and centroids (normilized and not) of each wave climate (easterly, southerly, and easterly wave climates) Format: netcdf4.- file-1) data_WaveClimates_Centroides.xlsx: This document contains the centroids for each experiment under historical conditions.These centroids were also used to cluster wave climates of RCP scenarios. Area Covered folder-4) 4.data_AreaCovered: This folder contains relative areas covered by each wave climate (easterly, southerly, and easterly wave climates).Sea Ice Cover folder-5) 5.data_SeaIceCover:For each scenario and experiment, this folder contains the percentage of ice cover (annually and seasonally) as used in the wave models. Transtional Wave Climate Regions folder-6) 6.data_TransitionalWaveClimateRegions: This folder contains changes in the frequency of occurrence for each wave climate (easterly, southerly, and easterly wave climates).
Repository: Zenodo
Year of publication: 2022
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6482839
Full citation: Odériz, I., Mori, N., Shimura, T., Webb, A., Silva, R. & Mortlock, T. (2022). Dataset for Transitional Wave Climate Regions on Continental and Polar Coasts in a Warming World [Dataset]. (Versión 1). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6482839