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Crystal structure of the HTH DNA binding protein ArdK from R388 plasmid bound to IR3 DNA

Experimental Data Snapshot Method: X-RAY DIFFRACTION Resolution: 2.80 Å R-Value Free: 0.298 R-Value Work: 0.253 R-Value Observed: 0.255

Repository: Protein Data Bank

 Publication date: 19/12/2020

 DOI: 10.2210/pdb7BCB/pdb

 Spanish project: BFU2014-55534-C2-2-P

 Full citation: Fernandez-Lopez, R., Boer, D.R. & Moncalian, G. (2020). Crystal structure of the HTH DNA binding protein ArdK from R388 plasmid bound to IR3 DNA. [Dataset]. (Version 1). Protein Data Bank.

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