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Corrosion behavior of heat-treated nickel-aluminum bronze and manganese-aluminum bronze in natural waters

Abstract: Nickel Aluminum Bronze (NAB) and Manganese Aluminum Bronze (MAB) are high-alloyed bronzes that are increasingly employed in several industrial sectors, mainly related to hostile environments due to their excellent properties against corrosion, cavitation, erosion and improved mechanical properties in relation to other copper-based alloys. These materials are very sensitive against thermal treatments due to a multiphase microstructure in as-cast condition. To contribute to the knowledge of the behavior of both alloys, the effect of thermal treatments on the corrosion behavior of NAB (CuAl10Fe5Ni5) and MAB (CuMn12Al8Fe4Ni2) was studied. As-cast material was subjected to various combinations of quenching and quenching and tempering at 850 °C and 600 °C. Corrosion testing was carried out using simulated sea and fresh water. The microstructures of the as-cast and heat-treated samples were characterized by metallography using two chemical agents with FeCl3 and NH4OH solutions and examination by optical and scanning electron microscopy. The major effect of thermal treatments on corrosion was found in influencing the amount and distribution of ?-phase, which is prone to selective corrosion in both electrolytes.

 Fuente: Metals, 2022, 12, 380

 Publisher: MDPI

 Publication date: 23/02/2022

 No. of pages: 15

 Publication type: Article

 DOI: 10.3390/met12030380

 ISSN: 2075-4701

 Publication Url:
