Abstract: Introduction
One of the most relevant aspects of sexual health promotion is the need to carry out health education by promoting a healthy affective-sexual education, with the capacity and resources to prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unwanted pregnancies. The aim of this study was to collect the evolution of epidemiological surveillance indicators of the main STIs, stratified by autonomous community after the publication of the Sexual and Reproductive Health Strategy in Spain in 2011 and until 2019.
A retrospective observational study of the Spanish population with STIs from 2011-2019. The study variables were indicators of the main STIs, including annual rates of notification of infections per 100,000 inhabitants.
There is a lack of homogeneous and systematic epidemiological surveillance records for STIs. Overall, in Spain there was an upward trend in STIs, except for HIV, which showed a clear decrease.
Despite existing regulations, strategies, and sex education programs in Spain, the main STIs have been increasing over the years, and Spain is one of the countries with the highest rates in Europe.