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A bibliometric analysis of green marketing in marketing and related fields: From 1991 to 2021

Abstract: Purpose: This study aims to provide the theoretical roots, research trajectories and promising research directions of green marketing in marketing and related fields. Design/methodology/approach: This study integrates three bibliometric analyses, i.e. co-citation analysis, historical direct citation analysis and co-occurrence analysis, and a qualitative review to examine the 781 publications that matched the search criteria between January 1991 and December 2021 from the Web of Science (WoS) database. Findings: The research findings show that eleven groups of cited references characterize the theoretical roots of green marketing in marketing and related fields. Besides, the two main research trajectories identified were found to be developed under the impact of prior studies. Moreover, the four research themes concerning this research domain are presented. The results also highlight promising research directions. Research limitations/implications: Based on the quantitative bibliometric analysis and qualitative literature reviews, this study has provided a comprehensive overview of the current stage of this domain. The study also has underscored an abundance of green marketing literature and revealed the research topics that require further investigations to theoretically and empirically advance the understanding of green marketing. Practical implications: Some topics about green marketing were recommended for further research. Some practical examples and suggestions are also given in the study. Originality/value: This study reviewed 781 publications at the intersection of green marketing research domain in marketing and related fields to identify the theoretical roots, research trajectories and research themes and to propose promising research avenues.

 Fuente: Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 2023, 35(8), 1857-1882

 Publisher: Emerald

 Publication date: 01/11/2023

 No. of pages: 26

 Publication type: Article

 DOI: 10.1108/APJML-07-2022-0651

 ISSN: 1355-5855,1758-4248

 Publication Url:
