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Equilibrium-based shoreline evolution models to predict coastal response

Abstract: Coastal zones are highly complex and dynamic environments shaped by diverse forcing agents such as waves, nearshore currents, sea levels, storm surges, winds, human interventions, and other oceanographic and sediment supply factors that occur on different spatio-temporal scales. Hence, coastal managers and stakeholders need simplified and practical models to estimate future beach morphodynamic changes to face decision-making. The shoreline hindcast under the influence of changing marine conditions has been mostly considered using existing robust shoreline evolution models, such as one-line shoreline models, multi-line shoreline models, combined models, and 3D models. All of them are computationally intensive and require long data series and many calibration parameters. This study presents a summary of the potential performance of some newly equilibrium-based shoreline evolution models used for daily to multiannual shoreline prediction, in diverse coastal environments and using different data sources.

Other conference communications or articles related to authors from the University of Cantabria

 Congress: International conference on Aquatic Science & Technology: i-CoAST (2023 : Jeju island, Korea )

 Publisher: Coastal Education and Research Foundation

 Year of publication: 2023

 No. of pages: 5

 Publication type: Conference object

 DOI: 10.2112/JCR-SI116-127.1

 ISSN: 0749-0208,1551-5036

 Spanish project: PID2021-127994OB-I00
