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"Promoting participation through visual narrative inquiry to recreate teacher learning-practice"

Abstract: This paper focuses on the progress of a current participatory action-research project which aims to analyse the use of visual narrative research in the continuing education of teachers to promote collaboration between different agents and help rethink the actions that commit universities to educational and social transformation. A mixed group of professionals, made up of teachers from different schools, advisors from Cantabria's teacher training centre and teachers and students from the University of Cantabria, took part in this research. We carried out a training process focused on producing and analysing different narratives in order to recreate educational practice, accompanied by a shared desire to transform it. The meta-narrative of the training action, implemented through a visual narrative methodology, has allowed us to identify the findings and limitations of the process, as well as its repercussions on the professional development of the participants.

 Fuente: Professional Development in Education, 2023, 1-16

 Publisher: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group

 Publication date: 21/03/2023

 No. of pages: 16

 Publication type: Article

 DOI: 10.1080/19415257.2023.2193196

 ISSN: 1941-5257,1941-5265

 Spanish project: PID2020-114478RB-C21