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Fomentar el contacto con el mundo empresarial a través del Trabajo Fin de Grado: una experiencia aplicada a la temática de subcontratación.

Abstract: The aim of this paper is to present an experience of how a final year project can be designed in order to encourage contact with the business world. This paper the general structure of the final year project, whose main topic is outsourcing, the main abilities and competencies developed by students while doing it, and the opinion of the students who have already done it.

 Authorship: Beatriz Blanco Rojo; Lidia Sánchez Ruiz

 Congress: Workshop in Operations Management and Technology (8º : 2017 : Valencia)

 Fuente: Working Papers on Operations Management. Vol. 8, SpIssue (62-66)

 Publisher: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

 Year of publication: 2017

 No. of pages: 5

 Publication type: Article

 DOI: 10.4995/wpom.v8i0.7159

 ISSN: 1989-9068