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On the precisión of the nucleator

Abstract: Abstract The nucleator is a design unbiased method of local stereology for estimating the volume of a bounded object. The only information required lies in the intersection of the object with an isotropic random ray emanating from a fixed point (called the pivotal point) associated with the object. For instance, the volume of a neuron can be estimated from a random ray emanating from its nucleolus. The nucleator is extensively used in biosciences because it is efficient and easy to apply. The estimator variance can be reduced by increasing the number of rays. In an earlier paper a systematic sampling design was proposed, and theoretical variance predictors were derived, for the corresponding volume estimator. Being the only variance predictors hitherto available for the nucleator, our basic goal was to check their statistical performance by means of Monte Carlo resampling on computer reconstructions of real objects. As a plus, the empirical distribution of the volume estimator revealed statistical properties of practical relevance.

 Authorship: González-Villab J., Cruz M., Cruz-Orive L.M.,

 Fuente: Image Anal Stereol, Vol. 36, Nº 2, pp 121-132 (2017)

 Publisher: International Society for Stereology

 Year of publication: 2017

 Publication type: Article

 DOI: 10.5566/ias.1671

 ISSN: 1580-3139,1854-5165

 Spanish project: AYA2015-66357-R

 Publication Url:
