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Mechanical performance of fibers in hot mix asphalt: a review

Abstract: The use of fibers in hot mix asphalt (HMA) has become a much more attractive alternative for the con-struction of road pavements. Numerous studies have shown that the incorporation of fibers in the mix-ture improves fatigue resistance, permanent deformation and stiffness. The aim of this paper is to presenta review of the mechanical impact of fibers in HMA by analyzing their reinforcement effect in a qualita-tive and quantitative manner. Fiber properties and characterization tests on fiber-modified bitumen arediscussed. Quantities, blending procedures and performance of bituminous mixtures with different typesof fibers are presented. Results of mechanical improvement are displayed. Based on the current researchresults, depending on the properties and the type of mixture in which they are used, each type of fiberseems to improve certain parameters more than others. Coconut fibers and waste fibers are describedas environmentally friendly alternatives.

 Fuente: Construction and Building Materials , 2019, 200, 756-769

 Publisher: Elsevier Ltd

 Publication date: 11/01/2019

 No. of pages: 13

 Publication type: Article

 DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.12.171

 ISSN: 0950-0618,1879-0526

 Publication Url:
