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Experiences of caregiving and quality of healthcare among caregivers of patients with complex chronic processes: a qualitative study

Abstract: Aim: To explore the perceptions of main caregivers regarding caring for chronic complex patients in two different regions of Spain. Background: Spain is a country with an ageing population and a high number of people with chronic diseases. It is well known that the role of the caregiver is important to ensure quality of life and appropriate care. Methods: Qualitative design using focus groups. Five focus groups, from two different regions, were conducted with 22 caregivers of people with chronic complex diseases to explore their personal experience, examine the quality of care received by the patient and their family and to develop strategies for the improvement of the quality of health care. The focus groups were audio and video recorded. The transcriptions of the focus group sessions were exported to qualitative software analysis MAXQDA 2018.2. The qualitative content analysis was based on different analytical cycles. Results:In general terms, caregivers would refer to accepting the care of their family members, but they highlight many negative aspects such as tiredness, lack of help and overload of care. They indicated general satisfaction with the health system but indicated that help was insufficient and that strategies to better address the situations of the complex chronic patient should be improved. The main categories observed were: Conclusions. Complex chronic illnesses are increasingly common at present, generating important consequences on the lives of patients and that of their caregivers. The design of any health strategy for facing the dilemma of chronic illnesses, must necessarily include the vision of the caregivers.

 Fuente: Applied Nursing Research, 2020, 56, 151344

 Publisher: Elsevier

 Publication date: 01/12/2020

 No. of pages: 7

 Publication type: Article

 DOI: 10.1016/j.apnr.2020.151344

 ISSN: 0897-1897,1532-8201

 Publication Url:
