Abstract: Although highly efficient, modification of a genomic site by the CRISPR enzyme requires the generation of a sgRNA unique to the target site(s) beforehand. This work describes the key steps leading to the construction of efficient sgRNA vectors using a strategy that allows the efficient detection of the positive colonies by PCR prior to DNA sequencing. Since efficient genome editing using the CRISPR system requires a highly efficient sgRNA, a preselection of candidate sgRNA targets is necessary to save time and effort. A dual luciferase reporter system has been developed to evaluate knockout efficiency by examining double-strand break repair via single strand annealing. Here, we use this reporter system to pick up the preferred xCas9/sgRNA target from candidate sgRNA vectors for specific gene editing. The protocol outlined will provide a preferred sgRNA/CRISPR enzyme vector in 10 days (starting with appropriately designed oligonucleotides).