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Dialogicality and dialogue: an analysis of complexity and dynamics of fictitious dialogues in Spanish and Mexican television advertising

Abstract: The aim of this article is to provide a theoretical and methodological contribution to the study of dialogue based on a dialogic conception of human communication (Bakhtin, Linell, Markova). From this perspective, it is postulated that the exchange is governed by the Principles of Dialogicality and Reciprocity and turns and contributions are defined as the constitutive elements of dialogue, representing two different levels of complexity. What is compared is how, on these two levels, the fictitious interlocutors of TV advertising dialogues, either Spanish or Mexican, try to influence each other: What are the similarities and differences in the diversity of types of turn and types of contribution, their possible impacts and the multiplicity of their connections.

 Autoría: Martínez-Camino G.,

 Fuente: Pragmatics, 2012, 22(4), 615-650

 Editorial: IPrA Research Center

 Fecha de publicación: 01/12/2012

 Nº de páginas: 36

 Tipo de publicación: Artículo de Revista

 DOI: 10.1075/prag.22.4.04mar

 ISSN: 1018-2101,2406-4238