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Viability of cupola slag as an alternative eco-binder and filler in concrete and mortars

Abstract: Obtaining new materials capable of meeting society?s demands motivates the search for new solutions that are capable of satisfying twofold requirements: respect for the environment and obtaining more durable and resistant materials. Cupola slag is a by-product generated in the process of obtaining ductile iron. When the slag undergoes rapid cooling, its vitrification is favored, leaving the silica in an amorphous structure and, thus, susceptible to reacting. Through reaction, the slag can develop cementing properties and cement can consequently be partially replaced with residue, providing savings in economic and environmental costs compared to traditional hydraulic binders. In this study, the physical and chemical properties of cupola slag and its recovery process are analyzed. Mortars that incorporate traditional admixtures (fly ash and limestone filler) have been manufactured and consistency and mechanical properties have been compared with mortars that incorporate cupola slag admixture. Mortars have also been manufactured with normalized sand and with Portland cement replacements (0, 10, 20, and 30% by weight) with cupola slag, and both the consistency and the mechanical properties have been compared at 7, 28, 60, and 90 days. The results obtained show the suitability of cupola slag as a binder and as an admixture, with respect to the traditional ones, and how the mechanical properties tend to converge for all of the replacement levels characterized, for ages close to 90 days of age

 Authorship: Sosa I., Tamayo P., Sainz-aja J.A., Cimentada A., Polanco J.A., Setién J., Thomas C.,

 Fuente: Applied Sciences, 2021, 11(4), 1957

 Publisher: MDPI

 Publication date: 01/02/2021

 No. of pages: 14

 Publication type: Article

 DOI: 10.3390/app11041957

 ISSN: 2076-3417