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Frequency-domain identification and model-order selection for efficiently simulating microwave radiometers

Abstract: Based on frequency-domain system-identification techniques combined with an optimal model-order selection, this modeling method efficiently simulates microwave radiometers. A broadband microwave receiver (with astronomical applications) is modeled and simulated to illustrate the technique. This particular receiver is a challenging case because it samples cosmic microwave background (CMB) low-power broadband (10-gigahertz) signals over a long period.

 Authorship: Casas F., Pascual J., De La Fuente L., Artal E., Portilla J.,

 Fuente: Computing in Science and Engineering, 2012, 14(3), 68-77

 Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

 Publication date: 01/06/2012

 No. of pages: 10

 Publication type: Article

 DOI: 10.1109/MCSE.2011.56

 ISSN: 1521-9615,1558-366X

 Spanish project: AYA2010-21766-C03-01 ; CSD2010-00064 ; CSD2008- 00068 ; TEC2008-06874-C03-01

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