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Palacios reales y memoria dinástica: el alcázar de Segovia

Abstract: The Segovian alcázar became the dynastic space of the last Trastámara with the monarch Enrique IV. The memory of the kings Trastámara of the XV century was dispersed between Toledo, Burgos or Guadalupe related to the funerary space, but this memory was centralized, planned and collected behind the walls of the new representative rooms of the Segovian fortress. The reforms carried out during his tumultuous reign aim to highlight the memory of his ancestors: Catalina de Lancaster, Enrique III and Juan II, placing himself as the last link in this dynastic chain in a moment of civil war for the Castilian throne.

 Autoría: Begoña Alonso Ruiz

 Congreso: Congresso Internazionale del Tardogotico: Architetture per la vita: palazzi e dimore dell''ultimo gotico tra XV e XVI secolo (4º : 2019 : Palermo)

 Fuente: LEXICON: Storie e Architettura in Sicilia, 2021, Speciale n.2, 17-24

 Editorial: Caracol

 Año de publicación: 2021

 Nº de páginas: 8

 Tipo de publicación: Artículo de Revista

 DOI: 10.17401/lexicon.s.2-alonsoruiz

 ISSN: 1827-3416