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Optimal design of real world industrial wastewater treatment networks

Abstract: A general super-structure is proposed for the design of a wastewater networks for removing five types of contaminants (suspended solids, heavy metals, inorganic salts, organic contaminants unsuitable for biological treatment and organic contaminants suitable for biological treatment) using until 13 types of Best Available Technologies (BAT) technologies. The removal of the contaminants follows a specified sequence to avoid reducing the efficiency in the downstream technologies. The application of this superstructure, which is modeled as an MINLP, is illustrated for the design of a wastewater network for a metal finishing industry.

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 Autoría: Galán B., Grossmann I.,

 Congreso: European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering: ESCAPE (21º : 2011 : Chalkidiki, Grecia)

 Editorial: Elsevier

 Fecha de publicación: 12/06/2011

 Nº de páginas: 5

 Tipo de publicación: Comunicación a Congreso

 DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-444-54298-4.50029-5

 ISSN: 1570-7946

 Url de la publicación: https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-444-54298-4.50029-5
