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The role of proficiency and pair formation method in language-related episodes: a study of young CLIL learners? interaction

Abstract: Little is known about young CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) learners? attention to formal aspects of the target language when engaged in collaborative task-based interaction. Previous research on language-related episodes (LREs) with other populations indicates that certain variables (e.g. target language proficiency or pair formation method) may play a role in the production of LREs. This study investigates the amount, types and resolution of LREs produced by primary education CLIL learners in a collaborative picture-ordering + story-telling task depending on two variables ? L2 English proficiency (grade 5 dyads vs. grade 6 dyads) and pairing method (proficiency-matched dyads vs. student self-selected dyads). Findings indicate that young CLIL learners? interactive behaviour in L2 English, at least in terms of LRE production, does not differ as a consequence of target language proficiency, whereas pair formation method exerts some influence, self-selected pairs producing and resolving more meaning-based LREs. No differences were found for form-focused LREs.

 Autoría: Gallardo del Puerto F., Basterrechea M.,

 Fuente: Language Teaching Research

 Editorial: Sage

 Año de publicación: 2021

 Nº de páginas: 19

 Tipo de publicación: Artículo de Revista

 DOI: 10.1177/13621688211024363

 ISSN: 1362-1688,1477-0954

 Proyecto español: FFI2016-74950-P
