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Thermal suspectability analysis of the reuse of fly ash from cellulose industry as contribution filler in bituminous mixtures

Abstract: The increased population has accelerated pavement deterioration of and boosted production of residues, generating a constant environmental problem. One of the main problems of pavements is a failure to develop union between bituminous mastic ligand and aggregate. The following study evaluates the use of ash from cellulose incineration as a contribution filler to improve thermal susceptibility of pavements in different climatic zones. The applied methodology for dosage was based on volumetric criteria and state curves. The obtained results showed that reusing this residue in determined conditions (Cv/Cs???1) offers lower wear loss to 35% of temperatures between ?10 and 60?°C, due to the Cv/Cs?=?0.75 ratio that maximizes the cohesive properties of the mixture. Therefore, we showed that this type of industry residue can be reused without complication in zones of certain climatic criteria and that it provides improved properties to the asphalt mix compared to conventional mixes.

Other publications of the same journal or congress with authors from the University of Cantabria

 Fuente: Construction and Building Materials Volume 160, 30 January 2018, Pages 268?277

 Publisher: Elsevier Ltd

 Publication date: 01/01/2018

 No. of pages: 10

 Publication type: Article

 DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2017.11.046

 ISSN: 0950-0618,1879-0526

 Publication Url:
