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Successive magnetic transitions in TbNiAl2 studied by neutron diffraction

Abstract: We report measurements of DC (AC) magnetic susceptibility and neutron diffraction on TbNiAl2 alloy. The Rietveld refinements of the x-ray and neutron diffraction data are consistent with an orthorhombic structure of the type MgCuAl2 (space group Cmcm). The results of DC (AC)- magnetic susceptibility show two successive magnetic transitions at 20 K and 11.7 K with antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic (or ferrimagnetic) features, respectively. On the other hand, neutron diffraction patterns show that, below 20 K and down to 12 K, new reflexions appear, confirming the antiferromagnetic character of the transition observed in the macroscopic measurements. Also, at least one of these new reflexions, located at Q 1.2 Å-1, shifts to higher angles when the temperature decreases, indicating an incommensurate magnetic structure. Below 11 K, many reflexions disappear and new reflexions increase, evidencing a new magnetic transition.

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 Congreso: Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Técnicas Neutrónicas = Meeting of the Spanish Neutron Scattering Association (6ª : 2012 : Segovia)

 Editorial: Institute of Physics

 Año de publicación: 2014

 Nº de páginas: 4

 Tipo de publicación: Comunicación a Congreso

 DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/549/1/012020

 ISSN: 1742-6588,1742-6596

 Proyecto español: MAT2008-06542-C04

 Url de la publicación: https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/549/1/012020
