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Comparing consumer intention to purchase ethical fashion cross-culturally

Abstract: We base on the theory of planned behaviour (TPB), construal-level theory (CLT) and social identity theory (SIT) to hypothesize that significant differences may exist in the way that consumer intention to purchase ethical fashion is crafted based on whether the person lives in a fashion producing or consuming country. We use data collected from 245 and 450 consumers in China and Spain. Consumers in China perceive greater pressure to purchase ethical fashion and behavioural control than consumers in Spain. Nonetheless, the TPB model is only accepted fully for the Spanish sample. In China, perceived behavioural control does not have a major influence on the intention to purchase. Subjective norm is the most powerful determinant of intention to purchase, although the strength of its effects is significantly higher in China.

Otras comunicaciones del congreso o articulos relacionados con autores/as de la Universidad de Cantabria

 Congreso: EMAC 2023 (52ª : Odense, Dinamarca)

 Editorial: European Marketing Academy

 Año de publicación: 2023

 Nº de páginas: 10

 Tipo de publicación: Comunicación a Congreso

 ISSN: 2709-1589
