Abstract: Managing text information to answer questions is one of the most frequent reading activities. These reading situations, called task-oriented reading, are challenging for students since they require specific skills that extend beyond basic reading comprehension skills. This is especiallypronounced when deep comprehension is required. Although many computer-based interventions have focused on teaching strategies to foster text comprehension, the role of strategy instruction in task-oriented reading has not been examined. In this study, we aim to ascertain the efficacy of an intervention based on task-oriented reading strategy instruction (TuinLECweb), in both textbase and situation model levels of comprehension, comparing it with training based on questionanswering practice (AutoLEC). Moreover, we analyzed students? use of the instructional components and resources of the programs and the relationship to their efficacy. One hundred and thirty pupils attending sixth grade participated in this experimental pre-post study. The intervention comprised eight sessions in which students followed the training on their computers in the classroom. Results show that participants in both conditions raised their reading scores; however, while students in AutoLEC training obtained higher textbase scores, students in the TuinLECweb condition improved their situation model performance. Besides, gain in reading comprehension was not related to either instructional components or resources. These findings highlight the key role of strategy instruction in fostering deep comprehension when employing computer-based interventions in task-oriented reading. Moreover, these results point out the
needto analyze how students manage the instructional aids offered to them.