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Environmental performance of peruvian waste management systems under a life cycle approach

Abstract: Peru generated in 2014 a total of 7.5 million metric tons of municipal solid waste (MSW). Of these, 47 % of residues ended up in open dumpsites and only 21 % were sent to controlled landfills. Efforts must be made to conduct a change from open dumpsites to sanitary landfills, reaching an adequate and sustainable waste management system. This study aims at meeting this challenge by means of the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology. In particular, the objective of this study is to develop a life cycle model that will allow the estimation of environmental impacts linked to waste landfilling in Peru, and to compare in further studies alternatives to determine a more environmentally sustainable solution. The model is flexible in order to be adapted to the three main geo-climatic regions in Peru: the hyper-arid coast, the Andean Highlands and the Amazon Rainforest. The life cycle model was developed with the EASETECH software, taking into account the phases of construction, operation and end-of-life the Peruvian landfills. The main parameters of this model include waste composition and the characteristics and treatment of the leachate and landfill gas, taking into consideration local parameters such as temperature, humidity and precipitation intensity. The model lays the foundation stone to determine the main hotspots in Peruvian sanitary landfills. This information will allow achieving an adequate and sustainable waste management by proposing improvement measures to help stakeholders in the decision-making process.

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 Autoría: Ziegler-Rodriguez K., Margallo M., Aldaco R., Irabien A., Vazque-Rowe I., Kahhat R.,

 Congreso: Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction: PRES (21ª : 2018 : Praga)

 Editorial: AIDIC

 Año de publicación: 2018

 Nº de páginas: 6

 Tipo de publicación: Comunicación a Congreso

 DOI: 10.3303/CET1870293

 ISSN: 1974-9791,2283-9216
