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Effect of the oxide shell thickness on the UV plasmonic performance of Ga, Mg and Al nanoparticles

Abstract: A recent interest in UV-plasmonics has appeared due to its increasing potential in many applications ranging from biology, spectroscopy or engineering. Magnesium, Aluminum and Gallium have been pointed out as promising materials for this purpose. However, these metals form an oxide layer, several nanometers thick, that may affect the formation of localized plasmons. In this work we analyze how the oxide shell thickness affect the plasmonic performance of nanostructures made from these metals.

Other conference communications or articles related to authors from the University of Cantabria

 Congress: International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (7ª : 2016 : Torremolinos, Málaga)

 Publisher: META

 Year of publication: 2016

 No. of pages: 2

 Publication type: Conference object

 ISSN: 2429-1390

 Spanish project: MICINN FIS2013-45854-P