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In the Light of Shared Words: Collaborative Writing in a Research Study on Student Voice in Spanish Schools

Abstract: ABSTRACT: This article describes the process of collaborative writing between teachers and researchers which constitutes the final phase (results dissemination) of a qualitative-collaborative research project. This study was developed in Cantabria (Spain) with the purpose of promoting and analysing student voice experiences in various schools. The final process of collaborative writing was organised in two parts: one oral, based on an epistemic interview and a second moment of written production based on a shared writing of the report. This process of collegial writing facilitated a new reading and reappropriation of the described student voice experiences by the participants. It also constitutes a way of disseminating the research which challenges traditional social research methodology. The process of collaborative writing presented here has resulted in a book of teacher narrative reports which compiles some of these student voice experiences and is fundamentally aimed at other education professionals, such as teachers or school counsellors.

 Autoría: Susinos-Rada, T., Ceballos-López, N., Saiz-Linares, Á.

 Fuente: The Qualitative Report 2017 Volume 22, Number 12, Article 4, 3172-3185

 Editorial: Nova Southeastern University School of Social and Systematic Studies

 Fecha de publicación: 12/09/2017

 Nº de páginas: 16

 Tipo de publicación: Artículo de Revista

 ISSN: 1052-0147,2160-3715

 Proyecto español: EDU2011-29928-C03-03