Recognising cell structure and function. Biomolecules. Metabolism. Metabolic regulation and integration. Recognising the basic principles of human nutrition. Cellular communication. Excitable membranes. Cell cycle. Cell differentiation and proliferation. Information, expression and regulation of genes. Heredity. Embryonic development and organogenesis. Recognising the morphology, structure and function of the skin, blood, the circulatory, digestive, locomotor, reproductive, excretory and respiratory systems; endocrine system, immune system and central and peripheral nervous system. Growth, maturation and aging in the different tracts and systems. Homeostasis. Adaptation to the environment.
Handling basic laboratory material and techniques. Interpreting a normal laboratory test. Recognising with macroscopic and microscopic methods and imaging techniques the morphology and structure of tissue, organs and systems. Performing functional tests to determine vital parameters and interpreting them. Basic physical examination.
Recognising the legal foundations of professional medical practice. Informed consent. Confidentiality. Recognising, diagnosing and orienting the management of physical and mental harm. Social and legal implications of death. Knowing and recognising the normal evolution of the corpse. Post-mortem diagnosis. Fundamentals of medical criminology. Ability to write medico-legal documents.
Recognising the fundamentals of medical ethics. Bioethics. Solving ethical conflicts. Applying the professional values of excellence, altruism, sense of duty, responsibility, integrity and honesty to professional practice. Recognising the need to maintain professional competence. Knowing how to approach professional practice respecting patient autonomy, their beliefs and culture.
Recognising the principles and applying the methods characteristic of preventive medicine and public health. Risk factors and disease prevention. Recognising population health determinants. Health indices. Planning, programming and assessment of health programmes. Prevention of and protection against diseases, lesions and accidents. Evaluation of the quality of care and patient safety strategies. Vaccines. Epidemiology. Demography. Knowledge of health planning and administration at world, European, National and Autonomous Region level. Understanding the social and economic implications involved in medical actions, taking into considerations criteria of effectiveness and efficiency. Health and the environment. Food safety. Occupational health.
Recognising, critically assessing and knowing how to use the technologies and sources of clinical and biomedical information in order to obtain, organise, interpret and communicate clinical, scientific and health information. Knowledge of the basic concepts of biostatistics and their application to the medical sciences. Capacity to design and carry out simple statistical studies using computer programs and to interpret the results. Understanding and interpreting statistical data in the medical literature. Knowledge of the history of health and disease. Awareness of the existence of alternative medicine. Autonomous use of a personal computer. Ability to use search and recovery systems of biomedical information. Knowing and handling the procedures of clinical documentation. Comprehension and critical interpretation of scientific texts. Knowledge of the principles of the scientific method, biomedical research and clinical trials. Knowledge of the principles of telemedicine. Knowledge and use of the principles of medicine based on the (best) evidence.
Knowledge of the aspects of communication with patients, their relatives and the social setting: Models of clinical relations, interview, verbal and non-verbal communication and interference. Giving bad news. Writing medical histories, reports, instructions and other registers in a comprehensible manner for patients, their relatives and other professionals. Presenting in public, orally or in writing, scientific studies and/or professional reports.
Recognising, diagnosing and orienting the management of the principal diseases of the skin. Recognising, diagnosing and orienting the management of the principal diseases of the blood. Pregnancy and normal and pathological delivery. Puerperium. Sexually transmitted diseases. Recognising, diagnosing and orienting the management of the principal gynaecological diseases. Contraception and fertilisation. Recognising, diagnosing and orienting the management of the principal ophthalmological diseases. Knowledge of tumoural disease, diagnosis and management. Recognising, diagnosing and orienting the management of the principal ear, nose and throat diseases. Recognising, diagnosing and orienting the management of the principal cardiocirculatory diseases. Recognising, diagnosing and orienting the management of the principal diseases of the digestive tract. Recognising, diagnosing and orienting the management of the principal diseases of the kidney and urinary system. Recognising, diagnosing and orienting the management of the principal diseases of the locomotor system. Recognising, diagnosing and orienting the management of the principal diseases of the respiratory system. Recognising, diagnosing and orienting the management of the principal diseases of the endocrine system. Nutrition disorders. Recognising, diagnosing and orienting the management of the principal diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system. Knowledge of the main infectious agents and their mechanisms of action. Recognising, diagnosing and orienting the management of the principal infectious diseases in different organs and systems. Recognising, diagnosing and orienting the management of the principal diseases of the immune system. Knowledge of the morphofunctional characteristics of the newborn, child and adolescent. Growth. Premature newborn. Recognising, diagnosing and orienting the management of the principal paediatric diseases. Child nutrition. Genetic diagnosis and counselling. Cognitive, emotional and psychosocial development in childho
Knowing how to take a complete patient-centred medical history oriented towards different diseases, and how to interpret its significance. Knowing how to perform a physical examination by systems, and a psychopathological examination, and how to interpret their significance. Knowing how to assess modifications to the clinical parameters at different ages. Examination and follow-up of pregnancy. Establishing a plan of action, focused on the patientÆs needs and the family and social setting, and consistent with the patientÆs symptoms and signs. Knowing how to perform basic and advanced life support manoeuvres.
Assessing the risk-benefit ratio of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Knowing the indications for biochemical, haematological, immunological, microbiological, pathological, diagnostic imaging tests. Knowledge of the characteristics of tissues in different situations of lesion, adaptation and cell death. Inflammation. Alterations of cell growth. (Histo)pathology of different tracts and systems. Biochemical, cytogenetic and molecular biology markers applied to clinical diagnosis. Knowledge of the fundamentals of microbiology and parasitology. Knowing the main microbiological and parasitological diagnostic techniques and interpreting the results. Knowledge of the fundamentals of the interaction of radiation with the human organism. Radiological imaging. Basic radiological semiology of the different tracts and systems. Knowledge of other techniques to obtain diagnostic images. Assessment of the indications and contraindications of radiological studies. Capacity to apply the criteria of radiological protection in diagnostic and therapeutic procedures with ionizing radiation. Knowledge of the main groups of drugs, doses, routes of administration and pharmacokinetics. Interactions and adverse effects. Prescription and pharmacovigilance. Pharmacology of the different tracts and systems. Analgesic, antineoplastic, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory drugs. Knowing the general principles of anaesthesia and resuscitation. Nutrition and diet therapy. Knowing the main indications for electrophysiological techniques (ECG, EEG, EMG, and others). Knowing the pathophysiology of wounds (including burns, freeze-produced and other types of wounds). Scarring. Surgical haemorrhage and thromboembolic prophylaxis. Knowledge of general surgical indications, preoperative risk and postoperative complications. Transfusions and transplants. Knowledge of the principles and indications of radiotherapy. Knowledge of the fundamentals of rehabilitation, of personal autonomy promotion, of functional adaptation of/to the environment, and of o
Knowing how to obtain and process a biological simple for study by means of different diagnostic procedures. Knowing how to interpret the results of diagnostic laboratory tests. Handling of disinfection and sterilisation techniques. Knowing how to interpret a radiological image by systematic reading. Knowing how to use different drugs appropriately. Knowing how to perform and interpret an electrocardiogram and an electroencephalogram. Correct writing out of medical prescriptions according to the patientÆs situation and to legal requirements. Assessment of nutritional status and elaboration of an appropriate diet in different circumstances. Practice of elementary surgical procedures: wound cleansing, haemostasis and suture.
Incorporating professional values, competences of communication of care, clinical reasoning, clinical management and critical judgement, and paying attention to the most prevalent health problems in the areas of Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Psychiatry and other clinical areas.