Ability to use programmable logic devices, as well as design both analog and digital advanced electronic systems. Ability to design communication components such as routers, switches, hubs, transmitters and receivers in different bands
Ability to apply advanced knowledge of Photonics and optoelectronics, as well as high frequency electronics
Ability to develop electronic instrumentation, as well as transducers, actuators and sensors
Ability for the integration of technologies and their own Telecommunication Engineering systems, of a general nature, and in broader and multidisciplinary contexts such as bioengineering, conversion photovoltaic, nanotechnology and telemedicine
Ability for the development, direction, coordination, and technical and economical management of projects involving the following: systems, networks, infrastructure and telecommunication services, including supervision and coordination of partial projects from outside; common telecommunication infrastructures in buildings or residential areas, including those projects about digital homes; telecommunication infrastructures in transport and the environment; their corresponding facilities of power supply and an assessment of electromagnetic emissions and electromagnetic compatibility
Completion, presentation and defense, (once all the credits from the study plan have been obtained) of an original exercise carried out individually before a University Board, consisting of a comprehensive project of telecommunication engineering of a professional nature in which skills acquired during teaching have been synthesized
Capacity to apply methods of information theory, adaptive modulation and channel coding, as well as advanced techniques of digital processing of signals to communications and audiovisual systems
Ability to develop radio communication systems: design of antennas, equipment and subsystems, channel modeling and calculations of links and planning
Ability to develop cable, line and satellite systems in environments with fixed and mobile communication
Ability to design and evaluate transport, broadcasting and distribution networks of multimedia signals
Ability to design radionavigation and positioning systems, as well as radar systems
Ability to model, design, introduce manage, operate, administer and maintain networks, services and contents
Ability to carry out planning, decision-making and network packaging, services and applications taking into account the quality of service, direct and operational costs, implementation and supervision plans, safety procedures, scaling and maintenance, as well as manage and ensure quality in the development process
Ability to understand and know how to apply the functions and organization of Internet, technologies and protocols of new generation Internet,component models, intermediary software and services
Ability to solve convergence, interoperability and design of heterogenous networks with local, access and trunk networks, as well as the integration of telephone, data, television and interactive services
Ability to design and manufacture integrated circuits
Knowledge of hardware language for high complexity circuits