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Erasmus+ Project 2022-1-ES01-KA171-HED-000073368

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Student Mobility to/from Partner Countries

Incoming students


Erasmus+ KA171 Call March 8, 2024 of The Vice-Rectorate for Internationalisation and Global Engagement for Incoming Exchange Students NEW


Call for International Credit Mobility Grants for incoming exchange students (06 March, 2023)

Addendum corresponding to the Erasmus+ KA171 call of 06 march 2023 of the Vicerectorate for Internationalisation and Global Engagement of the University of Cantabria



Staff Mobility to/from Partner Countries

Incoming staff for teaching and training


Incoming staff for teaching and training


2022‐1‐ES01‐KA171‐HED‐000073368 Erasmus+ Project is co‐financed by the European Union's Erasmus+ Programme. The contents of these calls are the sole responsibility of the UC and neither the European Commission nor the Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education (SEPIE) is responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.