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Fiber Specklegram Sensors sensitivities at high temperatures

Abstract: In this work, the sensitivity of Fiber Specklegram Sensors to high temperatures (up to 800ºC) have been studied. Two multimode silica fibers have been introduced into a tubular furnace while a HeNe laser source was launched into a fiber edge, projecting speckle patterns to a commercial webcam. A computer generated different heating and cooling sweeps while the specklegram evolution was recorded. The achieved results exhibit a remarkably linearity in FSS’s sensitivity for temperatures under 800ºC, following the thermal expansion of fused silica.

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 Authorship: Rodriguez-Cobo L., Lomer M., Lopez-Higuera J.,

 Congress: International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors: OFS (24ª : 2015 : Curitiba, Brasil)

 Publisher: SPIE Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers

 Year of publication: 2015

 No. of pages: 4

 Publication type: Conference object

 DOI: 10.1117/12.2194288

 ISSN: 0277-786X,1996-756X

 Spanish project: TEC2013-47264-C2-1-R

 Publication Url:
