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Outstanding in research

​Outstanding in research

The University of Cantabria is a leader in research, as is demonstrated by several competitive studies analyzing general and specific aspects of research in Spain and they place the University of Cantabria’s R&D in an outstanding position for its productivity and quality.

R&D groups maintain close and permanent links with companies, public administrations and institutions to collaborate in the development of varied projects and studies that require a high level of specialization and competence.

The projects carried out by its research groups cover the most varied aspects of Arts and Sciences in both basic and applied research. The high level of its scientists, who occupy the first place in the Spanish universities ranking of research periods, has boosted the creation of specialized research centres where outstanding studies are held in collaboration with other public institutions and private companies.

This is the case of the Environmental Hydraulics Institute (IH Cantabria), the Institute of Biomedicine and Biotechnology in Cantabria (IBBTEC), the Physics Institute of Cantabria (IFCA), the UC Foundation for Study and
Research in the Financial Sector (UCEIF Foundation), the Santander Financial Institute (SANFI), the International Centre for Higher Studies in Spanish (CIESE), or the International Institute of Prehistoric Research in Cantabria (IIIP).
Collaboration with the private sector in R&D activities is facilitated by research transference structures which allow the generation of economical development, employment and competitiveness.

An enterprise incubator and professionals of research management, patents, European projects, sales and project management can be mentioned among these infrastructures.

A Development Engine

In its Autonomous Community, the University of Cantabria heads the development of an economic model based on knowledge, in collaboration with the Regional Government, the Parliament of Cantabria, the City Council of
Santander and Torrelavega, as well as other public institutions and private companies such as Santander Bank.

This vision of the university as an innovation engine has been impelled since the agreement signed in 2009 with institutions and companies in order to kick off a program of regional development called Cantabria International Campus. This programme has received the backing of the Spanish National Government. This programme
seeks excellence in research, knowledge transfer and education in its 6 strategic areas:

  • Water and Energy
  • Biomedicine and Biotechnology
  • Banking, Finance and Entrepreneurial Activity
  • Heritage and Language
  • Physics and Mathematics
  • Technology.

UC activity generates innovation and impels industry competitiveness. Researchers develop projects mainly financed
through public funds (principally the National R&D Plan and the European Union Framework Programme), as well as projects contracted mainly by companies, but also with local and national government bodies.

During the last few years, the University of Cantabria’s R&D groups obtained average funds of 30 Million Euros in competitive public calls and contracted projects.

The UC also promotes a direct entrepreneurial activity through the creation of spin-offs that emerge from research groups to offer innovative developments to the market in areas such as biomedicine, energy and IT amongst many others.


Further information in:

 Oficina de Transferencia de Resultados de Investigación (OTRI)
Pabellón de Gobierno
+34 942 201029 - 79
+34 942 201055