Application Procedure
Academic and Language requirements
Applicants must contact first the UC
University Department,
Research Institute,
School/Faculty or
University Service where they intend to carry out their traineeship. This Department, Institute, School/Faculty or Service will be able to establish the academic and linguistic requirements considered necessary for the correct development of the traineeship and will designate a tutor responsible for the trainee in the UC. In general, a minimum level of B1 in Spanish and B2 in English will be required, but some specific areas such as Medicine may demand a good command of Spanish as a compulsory requirement.
The first step in order to get your acceptance is to get a Letter of Commitment (Carta de Compromiso) signed by your traineeship supervisor and by the International Relations Co-ordinator (Coordinador/a de RR.II.) corresponding to your academic area. If you are going to carry out your traineeship at a Research Institute, then the Institute's director signature will be required instead of your International Relations Co-ordinator's.
Application: compulsory documents and requirements
Applicants must send by e-mail
the following required documents to the UC International Relations Office (ORI) *:
(*) Exclusively for trainees in the area of Medicine and Nursing: Medical and nursing students must send by e-mail all these documents above, together with a COVID-19 vaccination certificate with one of the vaccines accepted by the scientific community, directly to this e-mail address instead.
Failure to submit any
of these documents, or their incomplete submission, may result in the
application not being accepted. Once it has been checked that the
application is correct and that all the requirements have been met, the
Vice-Rectorate for Internationalisation and Global Engagement will issue
a confirmation of admission.
Applications should be submitted at least two months before the planned start date of the traineeship. Please note that certain Faculties/Schools may have their own deadlines and non-eligible periods for internships.
Before the mobility: IMPORTANT
must compulsory submit to the UC IRO (ORI) the Resolution of Assignment of Spanish Social Security
Number (NUSS) or Affiliation Number at least 20 days before the start of
the internship. If you have not been previously assigned the NUSS, you
must apply for it through the IMPORTASS portal via this link. If you
already have the NUSS, you must request an accreditation report of the
Social Security Number via this other link. In case of doubt, please contact the UC IRO (ORI). In addition, non-EU students
must carry out all the necessary procedures to obtain a student visa,
which will include an authorisation to stay, through the Spanish
Consulate, in accordance with article 37.1.b) of the Regulation approved by Spanish Royal Decree 557/2011.
Beginning and end of stay
Upon arrival you are requested to visit the ORI (Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales) from Monday to Friday and from 10 am to 1 pm in order to submit your original documents if needed or to complete your application in case there are some documents pending to be submitted. Moreover, you will receive a certificate of arrival. The arrival date written in the certificate will be the same as the day you come to the office for the first time provided that you have completed the application procedure.
End of your stay
Once your traineeship is over, please visit again the ORI the last working day that you are going to stay in Santander to request your Certificate of Attendance. It is recommended that you report your visit by e-mail a few days before your departure.
Practical information
Legal aspects
Welcome and Orientation Programme
With the aim of facilitating the integration of all students and, as a first contact with the UC, Santander and Cantabria, the Vice-Rectorate for Internationalization and Co-operation organizes a
Welcome and Orientation Programme that includes a
Mentoring Programme.
important: this activity is only available at the beginning of each semester, students interested should consult the dates of celebration as well as the application deadlines.
Medical assistance and emergencies
We hope you don't need to use this information, but in case you need to, you can
Check this summary.
UC e-mail account and UC smart card (TUI)
If the period of your stay is higher than two months, you can have access to a UC email account and you can apply for the UC University Smart Card (TUI).
Santander and Cantabria
How to get to UC
Page #56 of the
UC International Students Guide offers information on the different alternatives that exist to get to Santander. Once in the city, you can choose to use the
Santander Urban Transport Service (TUS) to get around.
Student associations
UC Regulations (in Spanish)
Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales (ORI)
Universidad de Cantabria Facultad de Económicas y Derecho, 1ª planta Avda. de los Castros s/n. 39005 Santander (Cantabria) - España follow us in
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