What is the University Ombudsman?
The University Ombudsman is a person appointed by the Senate to watch over and defend the rights of all members of the University Community: students, Faculty and administrative and services staff.
Who is the current Ombudsman?
Ángel Cobo Ortega, Professor of Applied Mathematics. He was elected to this post in the Senate Meeting held on april 9, 2013, and took up his 4-year mandate on april 18, 2013.
Who is he accountable to?
He is bound by no imperative mandate and receives no instructions from any governing body, thus carrying out his functions with total autonomy. The opinions he may form and the actions he may take in the exercise of his duties cannot be the subject of an enquiry.
How does he act?
Normally, on the initiative of any student, member of Faculty or member of the administrative and services staff who considers that his/her rights have suffered infringement as a result of decisions taken by any University body (single-person or collegiate).
All University Community bodies and members are obliged to assist the University Ombudsman in the execution of his functions. He shall not be denied access to any documents related with the object of his enquiry, without prejudice the provisions in current legislation regarding secret or confidential documents.