


La solidaridad de la comunidad universitaria logra 184 donaciones de sangre durante la campaña de otoño8388La solidaridad de la comunidad universitaria logra 184 donaciones de sangre durante la campaña de otoño2025-02-02T23:00:00Ztext/html; charset=utf-8 TCUnican_Noticia
La Universidad de Cantabria se suma a la celebración del Día Internacional de la Mujer y la Niña en la Ciencia8386La Universidad de Cantabria se suma a la celebración del Día Internacional de la Mujer y la Niña en la Ciencia2025-01-30T23:00:00Ztext/html; charset=utf-8 TCUnican_Noticia
Últimos días para inscribirse en el programa 'e2: Estudiante x Emprendedor' de CISE, dirigido a universitarios cántabros8383Últimos días para inscribirse en el programa 'e2: Estudiante x Emprendedor' de CISE, dirigido a universitarios cántabros2025-01-27T23:00:00Ztext/html; charset=utf-8 TCUnican_Noticia

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The purpose of the Institute is cutting-edge research, aimed at advancing scientific knowledge and the development of new technologies in different areas of Life Sciences.


IBBTEC stands out for its ability to generate knowledge, reflected in the quality of its scientific production and accredited by the impact of its publications in prestigious international journals.


Modern facilities, where laboratories of radioactivity, microfluidics, cultures, level two biological containment histology (BSL-2), or level three biological containment microorganism (BSL-3) are integrated.


Many of our researchers combine their scientific work with teaching, participating in Bachelor and Master programs, as well as in the advanced training of young scientists in research techniques through their Doctoral Programs, or through other activities.

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Sesión informativa: “Programa Horizon 2020 y ERC (European Research Council) Sesión informativa: “Programa Horizon 2020 y ERC (European Research Council) 2019-12-03T23:00:00ZOutreachSalón Téllez Plasencia del Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla

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University of Cantabria  