| | Matxalen | Llosa Blas (IP) | matxalen.llosa@unican.es | 942 201957 | UC | | string;#Matxalen Llosa Blas (IP) | Bacterial Type IV Secretion Systems | MatxalenLlosaLAB | 9 | | |
| | Ramón | Merino Pérez (IP) | ramon.merino@unican.es | 942 206855 | CSIC | | string;#Ramón Merino Pérez (IP) | Chronic Inflammatory and Autoimmune Diseases | RamonMerinoLAB | 11 | | |
| | Mª Pilar | Garcillán Barcia (IP) | maria.garcillan@unican.es | 942 206 796 | CSIC | | string;#Mª Pilar Garcillán Barcia (IP) | Functional Plasmidomics | MPilarGarcillanLAB | 55 | | |
| | Ignacio | Varela Egocheaga (IP) | ignacio.varela@unican.es | 942 203931 | CSIC | | string;#Ignacio Varela Egocheaga (IP) | Genomic Analysis of Tumour Development | IgnacioVarelaLAB | 18 | | |
| | Fernando | de la Cruz Calahorra (IP) | fernando.cruz@unican.es | 942 201942 | UC | | string;#Fernando de la Cruz Calahorra (IP) | Intergenomics | FernandodelaCruzLAB | 5 | | |
| | Alberto | Sánchez Díaz (IP) | a.sanchezdiaz@unican.es | 942206799 | UC | | string;#Alberto Sánchez Díaz (IP) | Mechanisms and Regulation of Cell Division | AlbertoSanchezDiazLAB | 16 | | |
| | Félix | Sangari García (IP) | felix.sangari@unican.es | 942 202229 | UC | | string;#Félix Sangari García (IP) | Molecular Biology of Brucella Pathogenicity | FelixJSangariLAB | 94 | | |
| | Elena | Cabezón Navarro (IP) | elena.cabezon@unican.es | 942 202033 | UC | | string;#Elena Cabezón Navarro (IP) | Molecular Motors in Nanobiotechnology | ElenaCabezonLAB | 3 | | |
| | Iñaki | Arechaga Iturregui (IP) | ignacio.arechaga@unican.es | 942 202033 | UC | | string;#Iñaki Arechaga Iturregui (IP) | Molecular Motors in Nanobiotechnology | IñakiArechagaLAB | 2 | | |
| | Ana Victoria | Villar Ramos (IP) | anavictoria.villar@unican.es | 942 206 799 ext. 25921 | UC | | string;#Ana Victoria Villar Ramos (IP) | Nano and Molecular Treatments Against (Cardiac) Fibrosis | AnaVictoriaRamosLAB | 111 | | |
| | Ángel | Pazos Carro (IP) | angel.pazos@unican.es | 942 201985 | UC | | string;#Ángel Pazos Carro (IP) | Neurobiological Basis of the Mechanism of Action of Drugs acting at the Central Nervous System | AngelPazosLAB | 13 | | |
| | Álvaro | Díaz Martínez | alvaro.diaz@unican.es | 942 200950 | UC | | string;#Álvaro Díaz Martínez | Neurobiological Basis of the Mechanism of Action of Drugs acting at the Central Nervous System | AlvaroDiazIBBTEC | 38 | | |
| | Gabriel | Moncalián Montes (IP) | gabriel.moncalian@unican.es | 942 201934 | UC | | string;#Gabriel Moncalián Montes (IP) | Protein Design and Engineering | GabrielMoncalianLAB | 12 | | |
| | Marian | Ros (IP) | marian.ros@unican.es | +34 942 201 933 | CSIC | | string;#Marian Ros (IP) | Regulation of Gene Expression During Development | MarianRosLab | 14 | | |
| | Piero | Crespo Baraja (IP) | pedro.crespo@unican.es | 942 200959 | CSIC | | string;#Piero Crespo Baraja (IP) | Spatial Regulation of Ras-ERK Signals in Cancer | PieroCrespoLAB | 4 | | |
| | María | Lucas Gay (IP) | maria.lucas@unican.es | 942 206 799 ext. 25921 | UC | | string;#María Lucas Gay (IP) | Structural Biology of Macromolecular Complexes | MariaLucasGayLAB | 120 | | |
| | Albert | Adell Calduch (IP) | albert.adell@unican.es | 942206857 | CSIC | | string;#Albert Adell Calduch (IP) | Systems Neurobiology | AlbertAdellLAB | 1 | | |
| | Javier | León Serrano (IP) | javier.leon@unican.es | 942 201952 | UC | | string;#Javier León Serrano (IP) | Transcriptional Control of Cancer and Cells and Stem Cells | JavierLeonLAB | 8 | | |
| | Mª Dolores | Delgado Villar (IP) | maria.delgado@unican.es | 942 201998 | UC | | string;#Mª Dolores Delgado Villar (IP) | Transcriptional Control of Cancer and Cells and Stem Cells | MDDelgadoLAB | 6 | | |
| | Álvaro | Rada Iglesias (IP) | alvaro.rada@unican.es | (+34) 942 203932 | UC | | string;#Álvaro Rada Iglesias (IP) | Transcriptional Regulation in Development and Congenital Disease | AlvaroRadaLAB | 102 | | |
| | Berta | Casar Martínez (IP) | berta.casar@unican.es | +34 942 206 824 | CSIC | | string;#Berta Casar Martínez (IP) | Transformation and Metastasis | BertaCasarLAB | 154 | | |
| | Fernando | Calvo González (IP) | (+34) 942 206825 | calvof@unican.es | CSIC | | string;#Fernando Calvo González (IP) | Tumour Microenvironment | FernandoCalvoLAB | 101 | | |
| | Juan Carlos | Acosta Cobacho (IP) | juan.acosta@unican.es | (+34) 942 203937 | CSIC | | string;#Juan Carlos Acosta Cobacho (IP) | Tumour suppression, cellular senescence, SASP and innovative therapies | JuanCarlosAcostaLAB | 157 | | |