Optical microscopes are one of the most valuable tools to carry out life science research projects. In addition, the motorization of the equipment and the adoption of the digital format in the capture and processing of the images have assumed a qualitative and quantitative leap, greatly expanding its possible applications.
There are many applications of this technology. Examples are quantification and tracking of particles, study of cellular processes such as viability, migration, proliferation, toxicity or apoptosis, molecular studies in vivo, by using biosensors or advanced techniques such as FRAP (Fluorescence Recovery Affer Photobleachin) and FRET (Föster Resonance Energy Transfer), and pharmacological studies of the subcellular localization and the kinetics of drugs and their receptors.
The Advanced Optic Microscopy Service at IBBTEC has advanced equipment and highly qualified personnel, and it allows to tackle projects that require the most modern microscopy techniques, both in fixed and live cell samples. It offers training in the management of equipment, assistance and advice in the realization of advanced techniques, as well as the processing, analysis and quantification of the acquired images.