Álvaro Rada Iglesias (IP)

  • IBBTEC. C/ Albert Einstein 22, PCTCAN, 39011 Santander
  • alvaro.rada@unican.es
  • 942 203 932
  • Regulación Transcripcional en el desarrollo y en enfermedades congénitas
  • Investigador Principal; Investigador STAR2
  • Biología del desarrollo
  • Departamento de Señalización Celular y Molecular

Alvaro Rada Iglesias se licenció en biología por la Universidad de León en 2001, siendo reconocido con el mejor curriculum académico de ese año. Luego, obtuvo su doctorado en 2007 en la Universidad de Uppsala (Suecia), donde trabajó en el laboratorio del profesor Claes Wadelius. Después de un breve trabajo postdoctoral en el Centro de Bioinformática Linnaeaus (Universidad de Uppsala, Suecia) bajo la supervisión del Prof. Jan Komorowski, obtuvo una beca EMBO  (EMBO LTF) para continuar su carrera postdoctoral en el laboratorio de la Prof. Joanna Wysocka en Universidad de Stanford (EE. UU.), donde permaneció entre 2009-2013. En 2013, fue reclutado por la Universidad de Colonia como Investigador Principal en el Centro de Medicina Molecular de Colonia, donde comenzó con éxito su grupo de investigación independiente. Esto fue reconocido con un premio EMBO Young Investigator (EMBO YIP) en 2017. En julio de 2018, fue reclutado como Investigador Principal por la Universidad de Cantabria para dirigir su grupo de investigación en el Instituto de Biomedicina y Biotecnología de Cantabria (IBBTEC).

​Regulación Transcripcional en el Desarrollo y en Enfermedades Congénitas

Líneas de Investigación

El principal interés de nuestro laboratorio es descubrir los principales factores genéticos y epigenéticos que controlan la ejecución de los programas de expresión génica durante el desarrollo embrionario. Nuestro objetivo es proporcionar una comprensión mecanicista del espacio genómico no codificante que se utiliza de forma dinámica y específica durante la embriogénesis de los mamíferos, lo cual es  fundamental para poder descifrar la base molecular de las enfermedades congénitas humanas.

  1. Evaluar la importancia del pre-marcaje de enhancers durante las transiciones celulares que ocurren durante el desarrollo embrionario
  1. Investigar la relevancia patológica de la disrupción genética y estructural de los enhancers en la etiología de las enfermedades congénitas humanas



    • "Transcriptional Regulation during vertebrate Embryonic Patterning: from genomics to mechanism" – STAR2 Programme (Universidad de Cantabria; Banco Santander) - 2018/2023 – IP: Alvaro Rada Iglesias
    • "Embo Young Investigator Program (YIP)" – EMBO – 2018/2020 – IP: Alvaro Rada Iglesias
    • "Mechanistic characterization of poised enhancer function during the induction of major anterior neural regulatory loci" - German Research Foundation (DFG) - 2017/2020 – IP: Alvaro Rada Iglesias
    • "Identification and characterization of major stem cell regulators within the epidermis" - German Research Foundation (DFG) – 2017/2021 – IP: Alvaro Rada Iglesias
    • "A novel etiological mechanism for Branchio-Oculo-Facial Syndrome (BOFS) with implications for the current understanding of human neurocristopathies" - Else Kroner Fresenius Foundation - 2017/2019 - IP: Alvaro Rada Iglesias
    • "Functional and mechanistic characterization of Foxd3 during mouse peri-implantation transitions" – German Research Foundation (DFG) - 2016/2019 – IP: Alvaro Rada Iglesias
    • "A systems biology approach to characterize non-coding genetic variants associated with human disease" – University of Cologne Excellence Program – 2014/2017 - IP: Alvaro Rada Iglesias
    • "Bioinformatic and molecular characterization of non-coding genetic variants associated with craniofacial abnormalities" - Fritz Thyssen Foundation – 2014/2015 - IP: Alvaro Rada Iglesias
    • "Molecular mechanisms and functional relevance of poised developmental enhancers during embryonic stem cell differentiation" - German Research Foundation (DFG) – 2013/2016 – IP: Alvaro Rada Iglesias

Regulation of Myc transcription by an enhancer cluster dedicated to pluripotency and early embryonic expression

Regulation of Myc transcription by an enhancer cluster dedicated to pluripotency and early embryonic expression

Li-Bao L, Díaz-Díaz C, Raiola M, Sierra R, Temiño S, Moya FJ, Rodriguez-Perales S, Santos E, Giovinazzo G, Bleckwehl T, Rada-Iglesias Á, Spitz F, Torres M.

​Nat Commun 15, 3931 (2024).

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Cold-induced expression of a truncated adenylyl cyclase 3 acts as rheostat to brown fat function

Cold-induced expression of a truncated adenylyl cyclase 3 acts as rheostat to brown fat function

Khani S, Topel H, Kardinal R, Tavanez AR, Josephrajan A, Larsen BDM, Gaudry MJ, Leyendecker P, Egedal NM, Güller AS, Stanic N, Ruppert PMM, Gaziano I, Hansmeier NR, Schmidt E, Klemm P, Vagliano LM, Stahl R, Duthie F, Krause JH, Bici A, Engelhard CA, Gohlk

​Nat Metab. 2024 Apr 29. Online ahead of print.

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Oncogenic enhancers prime quiescent metastatic cells to escape NK immune surveillance by eliciting transcriptional memory

Oncogenic enhancers prime quiescent metastatic cells to escape NK immune surveillance by eliciting transcriptional memory

Michelatti D, (…) Rada-Iglesias A et al.

​Nat Commun. 2024 Mar 19;15(1):2198.​

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Remodeling of the endothelial cell transcriptional program via paracrine and DNA-binding activities of MPO

Remodeling of the endothelial cell transcriptional program via paracrine and DNA-binding activities of MPO

Zheng R, Moynahan K, Georgomanolis T, Pavlenko E, Geissen S, Mizi A, Grimm S, Nemade H, Rehimi R, Bastigkeit J, Lackmann JW, Adam M, Rada-Iglesias A, Nuernberg P, Klinke A, Poepsel S, Baldus S, Papantonis A, Kargapolova Y.

​iScience. 2024 Jan 12;27(2):108898. ​

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Understanding enhancer function to understand human disease

Understanding enhancer function to understand human disease

Spicuglia S, Rada-Iglesias A.

Bioessays. 2023 Aug 29:e2300149.​

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The interaction between enhancer variants and environmental factors as an overlooked aetiological paradigm in human complex disease

The interaction between enhancer variants and environmental factors as an overlooked aetiological paradigm in human complex disease

Robert S, Rada-Iglesias A.

​Bioessays. 2023 May 12:e2300038

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POSTRE: a tool to predict the pathological effects of human structural variants

POSTRE: a tool to predict the pathological effects of human structural variants

Víctor Sánchez-Gaya, Alvaro Rada-Iglesias

​Nucleic Acids Res. 2023 Mar 31;gkad225.

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Identification of de novo variants in nonsyndromic cleft lip with/without cleft palate patients with low polygenic risk scores

Identification of de novo variants in nonsyndromic cleft lip with/without cleft palate patients with low polygenic risk scores

Ishorst N, Henschel L, Thieme F, Drichel D, Sivalingam S, Mehrem SL, Fechtner AC, Fazaal J, Welzenbach J, Heimbach A, Maj C, Borisov O, Hausen J, Raff R, Hoischen A, Dixon M, Rada-Iglesias A, Bartusel M, Rojas-Martinez A, Aldhorae K, Braumann B, Kruse T,

​Mol Genet Genomic Med. 2023 Mar;11(3):e2109.​

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Enhancer-associated H3K4 methylation safeguards in vitro germline competence

Bleckwehl T, Crispatzu G, Schaaf K, Respuela P, Bartusel M, Benson L, Clark SJ, Dorighi KM, Barral A, Laugsch M, van IJcken WFJ, Manzanares M, Wysocka J, Reik W, Rada-Iglesias Á.

​Nat Commun. 2021 Oct 1;12(1):5771. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-26065-6.

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The chromatin, topological and regulatory properties of pluripotency-associated poised enhancers are conserved in vivo

Giuliano Crispatzu, Rizwan Rehimi, Tomas Pachano, Tore Bleckwehl, Sara Cruz-Molina, Cally Xiao, Esther Mahabir, Hisham Bazzi & Alvaro Rada-Iglesias

​Nat Commun. 2021 Jul 16;12(1):4344. 

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Orphan CpG islands amplify poised enhancer regulatory activity and determine target gene responsiveness

Tomas Pachano, Víctor Sánchez-Gaya, Thais Ealo, Maria Mariner-Faulí, Tore Bleckwehl, Helena G. Asenjo, Patricia Respuela, Sara Cruz-Molina, María Muñoz-San Martín, Endika Haro, Wilfred F. J. van IJcken, David Landeira & Alvaro Rada-Iglesias

​Nat Genet. 2021 Jul;53(7):1036-1049.

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Integrative approaches generate insights into the architecture of non-syndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate

Integrative approaches generate insights into the architecture of non-syndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate

Welzenbach J, Hammond NL, Nikolić M, Thieme F, Ishorst N, Leslie EJ, Weinberg SM, Beaty TH, Marazita ML, Mangold E, Knapp M, Cotney J, Rada-Iglesias A, Dixon MJ, Ludwig KU.

​HGG Adv. 2021 Jun 8;2(3):100038.

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The formation of the thumb requires direct modulation of Gli3 transcription by Hoxa13

The formation of the thumb requires direct modulation of Gli3 transcription by Hoxa13

Maria Félix Bastida, Rocío Pérez-Gómez, Anna Trofka, Jianjian Zhu, Alvaro Rada-Iglesias, Rushikesh Sheth, H. Scott Stadler, Susan Mackem and Marian Ros

​Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020 Jan 14;117(2):1090-1096.

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Transcriptional and epigenetic control of germline competence and specification

Transcriptional and epigenetic control of germline competence and specification

Bleckwehl T, Rada-Iglesias A.

 2019 Jun 21;61:1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ceb.2019.05.006. [Epub ahead of print]

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Pathological ASXL1 Mutations and Protein Variants Impair Neural Crest Development

Pathological ASXL1 Mutations and Protein Variants Impair Neural Crest Development

Geerlof A, Rishko V, Rada-Iglesias A, Drukker M.

 2019 May 14;12(5):861-868. doi: 10.1016/j.stemcr.2019.03.006. Epub 2019 Apr 18.

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Modeling the Pathological Long-Range Regulatory Effects of Human Structural Variation with Patient-Specific hiPSCs

Modeling the Pathological Long-Range Regulatory Effects of Human Structural Variation with Patient-Specific hiPSCs

Laugsch M, Bartusel M, Rehimi R, Alirzayeva H, Karaolidou A, Crispatzu G, Zentis P, Nikolic M, Bleckwehl T, Kolovos P, van Ijcken WFJ, Šarić T, Koehler K, Frommolt P, Lachlan K, Baptista J, Rada-Iglesias A.

Cell Stem Cell. 2019 May 2;24(5):736-752.e12. doi: 10.1016/j.stem.2019.03.004. Epub 2019 Apr 11.

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Enhanced Stress Response in 5-HT1AR Overexpressing Mice: Altered HPA Function and Hippocampal Long-Term Potentiation.

Pilar-Cuéllar F, Vidal R, Díaz Á, Garro-Martínez E, Linge R, Castro E, Haberzettl R, Fink H, Bert B, Brosda J, Romero B, Crespo-Facorro B, Pazos Á.

​ACS Chem Neurosci. 2017 Nov 15;8(11):2393-2401. doi: 10.1021/acschemneuro.7b00156. Epub 2017 Aug 18.​

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